Well done to our Year 6 class who are regional Sumdog winners! Some fantastic maths skills demonstrated by ALL of the children but special mention to Tilly, Sophie, Harry, Evie and Noah...
To celebrate National Storytelling Week our Year 6 Reading Buddies have been reading some fantastic stories to our Reception children. Great relationships are being built between some of our youngest and oldest...
On Tuesday, the year 3s took part in a personal best challenge at temple Park. This involved taking part in multi skills activities such as: kicking skills, catching and target throws amongst...
We have had a fantastic time in the Three Year Old Nursery learning all about Chinese New Year! We have made lanterns, cherry blossom trees, tried some yummy Chinese food, built the...
This week in computing, Year 4 have been using loops in their code to make shapes. They used the repeat command in Logo to make regular 2D shapes and then experimented with...
This morning Caroline from the Healthy Minds Team came in to talk to us as part of our work around Mental Health Week. She was supported by our year 6 well-being buddies...
Year 1 have been enjoying their art topic this half term. They have enjoyed mixing primary colours to make secondary colours and have applied this skill to their own paintings. As part...