After a long wait our girls’ teams played their first fixtures of the season. In most cases this was their first experience of playing competitive football.
It was a mixed bag in terms of results with some hard fought wins paired with some narrow defeats.
What was obvious was how much they all enjoyed the experience and you could see the progress they have all made since starting training in September.
Across the games the girls displayed good teamwork and passion aswell as displaying high levels of communication in order to do the best they could.
It was a great start to the season for all of the girls and we are all already looking forward to the next games in January.

Also on Monday we were awarded the equal access schools trophy. Which shows that the FA in association with Barclays and the School Games Organisers have recognised that Lord Blyton offer equal access to football for both boys and girls. Another accolade to be proud of for our school in PE and Sport.