COVID Catch-Up Plan Funding Allocation

 COVID Catch-Up Plan

Funding  Allocation

Schools’ allocations will be calculated on a per pupil basis, providing each mainstream school with a total of £80 for each pupil in years reception through to 11.

As the catch-up premium has been designed to mitigate the effects of the unique disruption caused by coronavirus (COVID-19), the grant will only be available for the 2020 to 2021 academic year. It will not be added to schools’ baselines in calculating future years’ funding allocations.Use of funds

Schools should use this funding for specific activities to support their pupils to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months, in line with the guidance on curriculum expectations for the next academic year. (See also EEF – School Planning Guide 2020-21 )Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances.

Accountability and monitoring

As with all government funding, school leaders must be able to account for how this money is being used to achieve our central goal of schools getting back on track and teaching a normal curriculum as quickly as possible.

Given their role in ensuring schools spend funding appropriately and in holding schools to account for educational performance, governors and trustees should scrutinise schools’ approaches to catch-up from September, including their plans for and use of catch-up funding. This should include consideration of whether schools are spending this funding in line with their catch-up priorities, and ensuring appropriate transparency for parents. (DfE guidance – Coronavirus (COVID-19) catch-up premium – updated 24/08/2020)

This report links closely to Pupil Premium funding.  

1.   Summary information​                       
SchoolLord Blyton Primary School   
Academic Year 2020-21Total Catch Up Funding 15000.00  Date of most recent PP ReviewJanuary
Total number of pupils – rec-year 6 196Number of pupils eligible for PP Spring 2020 census 62Date for next internal review of this strategy:   Date for final review:July
Tiered Approach
1Teaching and whole-school strategies Supporting great teaching The best available evidence indicates that great teaching is the most important lever schools have to improve outcomes for their pupils. This was true before the Covid-19 pandemic and it will continue to be vital throughout this academic year. For us ensuring every teacher is supported and prepared for the academic year is essential. We have and will continue to provide opportunities for professional development to support the curriculum particularly focussing on the teaching using technology. We have had to make adjustments to the organisational and logistical aspects of school life due to the conditions put upon us through Covid 19. We will ensure that teachers continue to develop a broad array of teaching strategies that combined with their subject knowledge and knowledge of the pupils have a positive impact on learning. Pupil assessment and feedback Assessment can help teachers determine how to most effectively support their pupils. Every pupil will be affected differently by Covid-19. Time will be set aside to enable teachers to assess pupils’ wellbeing and learning needs. Transition Support All pupils will need transition support back to school. Transition events will be put in place to ensure the pupils are ready to access the new term. Additional transition will be planned where we know the pupils will need it.
2   Targeted academic support One to one and small group tuition Good high quality teaching is best supported by targeted academic support. Good assessment will reveal that some of our pupils have lost learning, which is inevitable, misunderstood concepts or may have made gains in their knowledge during the period of Covid 19. Intervention programmes Once we have an understanding of the above we may need one to one or group interventions. We also anticipate some of our children on SEND support will require specific support which will be in house or referrals will be made where this is beyond our remit. Extended school time In some cases we may consider to alter the structure of the school day to accommodate the catch up plans we will put in place.
3Wider strategies We deploy a wide range of strategies to support our pupils and during this academic year and will continue to do this. With new challenges attending school such as social distancing measures, we will adapt our curriculum and planning appropriately. The Covid 19 pandemic has given us new barriers to success such as reduced attendance, adaption to school routines which may affect the behaviour of some pupils. Supporting parents and carers Parents play a key role in supporting the children’s learning at home and it is essential that school and families continue to work together as pupils return to school. Access to technology Pupils need access to technology and it is important that they can learn effective at home. Lack of technology has been a barrier for many of our disadvantaged family.  
  1aFocused face to face explicit teaching to ensure pupils have the opportunities to practice skills and support them to focus on the information that is essential to the task.  All teaching staff
1bTeaching will be scaffolded for temporary support and removed if and when no longer required. Support could be visual, verbal or written.  All teaching staff
1cWe will use flexible teaching groups. Each class has full time support so groupings can be formed for explicit purposes and then dis-banned when the purposes have been met. It may be that a small group of pupils share the need for more explicit instructions to independently carry out a skill, remember a fact, or understand a concept.All teaching staff and Teaching Assistants.
1dA broad and balanced curriculum offer, focusing on vocabulary acquisition will be in place with specialist teaching in French and PE. All staff, curriculum prepared during Summer 2020 and amendments made depending on assessment of pupils on the full return to school.  
1eGoogle classroom to be used as a platform for online learning. Initial preparation allows for coaching the children in its use. (See remote learning plan)Lead by ICT Lead. All teaching and non-teaching staff to access CPD.
1fAssessments using itrack will give us a baseline for all children and data will be put onto the electronic system. A well being tool will be used to screen the pupils mental health.All teaching staff input assessment data following assessments in week 2 of Autumn 2020. Forming an accurate baseline to measure progress. Leuven scales in EYFS.
1gTransition arrangements will be reinforced when we return in September 2020. All pupils had a transition day in July 2020 on the return to school. Those year groups that did not return arrangements were made to visit school for transition.Summer 2020 all staff put online transition videos on the school webpage. Information given to parents/pupils around the new Covid 19 procedures.  
Targeted academic support
2aSpecific intervention programmes led by both Teachers and Teaching Assistants including same day interventions. (See Autumn intervention plans form class teachers) will be put in place following baseline assessments.KS 2 phonic intervention- Delivery of Sounds Write to identified pupils in KS 2 twice a week for 30 minutes   EYs and KS 1 phonic intervention- Delivery of additional phonics where gaps identified.   EYs Launch Pad for literacy CPD and intervention Additional reading in KS 2 Time to talk, Bereavement Counselling, Worry Box. TA training by Peasron’s Maths £300.00 One to one tuition to children’s £3000.00
2b Extended the school day by reducing the lunchtime down to 45 minutes for all pupils from nursery 3s to year 6.Staff from 2 year old nursery deployed to EYs and KS 2 to support pupils with catch up.
2cDeployment of TAs throughout the school to cover planned intervention programme for the Autumn Term 2020 once gaps in learning identified.Ms Atherton Ms Wales Miss Hall
2dPurchase Reading Plus as an intervention for all pupils in KS 2 from year 3 to 6.Mrs Simpson £8000.00
Wider Strategies
3a Improve communication with parents through the use of class teacher google classroom emails.All teaching staff to have a google classroom email 5 staff laptops £5000.00
3bEnsure strong relationships continue to be built with parents even through face to face meetings are to be limited due to Covid 19 restrictions.Mrs Quinn, Children and Family Manager to continue to communicate with parents. Class teachers to communicate through emails. Office and HT to communicate through text, email and social media platforms.
3dChild and Family Manager to support families where possible through in school support and outreach such as organising food parcels, Operation Christmas Child. Introduce the online coffee morning.Mrs Quinn support families. Staff to signpost parents to Mrs Quinn for support.
3e  Daily breakfasts introduced in the 2 year old nursery. Mrs Hannard and Office staff for supplies.
 Total budgeted cost £ 15000.00