Remembering D-Day

Yesterday marked the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. Year three found out more about why we remember this event, and its significance in history. Mrs Atherton also held a special assembly...

Year 6 PSHE

In our Year 6 PSHE lesson today we completed the St John’s Ambulance module on Choking and how to give first aid in the event of someone choking. The children all received...

PSHE in Year 3

This afternoon, year 3 started their new topic in PSHE. We talked about emergency situations and who we can call on when we need help. We discussed the emergency services, what information...

Year 3 PSHE

In year 3, we have been learning about healthy relationships and friendships. Today, we talked about how we listen and communicate with others. We discovered that talking and body language is important...