Safer Internet Day in Year 5
Year 5 took part in a BBC live lesson yesterday as part of safer internet day. They learned how to spot an online scam and what to do if they spot a...

Safer Internet Day BBC Live Lesson
Today Year 4 took part in the BBC live lesson for Safer Internet Day. They learnt how to spot scams and what to do if someone tried to scam them online.

That History Bloke Visits Year 4
Year 4 had a great visit yesterday from That History Bloke! Richard told the children some really interesting facts about Ancient Greek times and they had a quiz where they had to...

That History Bloke Visits Year 3
This week, Year 3 had an absolutely fantastic and immersive morning with Richard… also known as ‘That History Bloke.’ Richard transported us back in time to ancient Egypt. Richard brought in a mummy...

Safer Internet Day
Today is Safer Internet Day and this morning Mr Stead did an assembly for KS2 about how they can protect themselves and others from scams online.

Children’s Mental Health Day 2025
This week, Year 3 celebrated Children’s Mental Health Day. The theme this year is ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself.’ We talked about the fact that the more we can understand about ourselves, the...

Children’s Mental Health Day in Year 5
This year, Children’s Mental Health Week focussed on Know Yourself, Grow Yourself. Year 5 talked about how we can grow ourselves using a positive/growth mind set. We discussed how having a fixed...

Children’s Mental Health Week in Reception
Children in Reception celebrated ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’ by choosing our favourite things that bring us joy and happiness! We decided to come dressed in our favourite clothing to express ourselves. We...