3 Year Olds
The children in the 3 year old nursery celebrated number day today with the year 6 maths ambassadors. We read the story ‘We’re going on an Egg Hunt’ then went on a number egg hunt ourselves. We had to find the different eggs around he nursery and tick off the different numbers that we found. Once we found them all we collected them in and put them in the right order from the smallest to the biggest. Once we completed our egg hunt, the Easter Bunny left us a delicious chocolate treat 🐇

World Number Day in Reception meant lots of fun activities to help us recognise and write numbers to 20, count objects accurately or subotise if we can, practise our counting on and adding, write number sentences, name different 2D shapes and learn how to count back to take away. We read a counting bck story ‘Blast Off’ and learnt a song about a little rocket 🚀 We also enjoyed some time with the Maths Ambassadors playing Maths games.

Year 1
Year 1 and Year 6 math’s ambassadors enjoyed follow me cards around the hall.

Year 2
Year 2 enjoyed place value games with the year 6 maths ambassadors. It was fun and active. They will win prizes for the best team and also for best maths outfit.

Year 3

Year 4
Year 4 World Maths Day. Year 4 explored the properties of the number 24 such as place value, multiplication, division, addition and subtraction facts, shape, Roman numerals, the fact it is an even number plus other facts. They continued work on fractions then completed a multiplication Follow Me activity with the Maths Ambassadors in the hall. The day was finished by reading the book ‘Count the Stars’ which shows how elements of Maths are present in so many aspects of life.

Year 5

KS1 Base
In the Key Stage One Base we celebrated World Maths day by playing lots of different addition games: shut the box, snakes and ladders and connect four. We enjoyed the addition and subtraction colour by numbers sheets and filled in the missing numbers on the number track. We also found the missing numbers to solve equations.