Our Three Year Old Nursery children visited Forest School this week to look for signs of Spring linked to the story we have been reading ‘Hello Spring’ by Jo Lindley.
We had to look very carefully to notice buds, pink and white blossom on the trees, green leaves and some that had turned bright red in the warmer weather, shoots popping up through the soil, bulbs growing and flowers such as daffodils, blue bells, tulips, dandelions, daisies and forget me nots, catkins and pussy willow. We also saw some bees but it’s still a little too early (and cold) for butterflies. We have been talking lots about the season Spring this week and how it is different to the other seasons, the weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer with more hours of light, baby animals are being born and plants are starting to grow. We celebrated Spring by making Spring crowns which we decorated with all the beautiful nature we found