2 Year Olds Nursery
The children in the two-year-old room have been exploring numbers 1-5, shape and space as part of Maths Week. We have enjoyed looking at jigsaws, shape sorters, stackers, filling and emptying, exploring shape in the playdoh and singing number rhymes. Our favourite songs are 5 currant buns and 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive. The children have loved learning the songs and joining in with the actions.

3 Year Olds Nursery
Our Nursery children had fun taking part in the NSPCC Number Day on Wednesday 8th March. When we arrived at Nursery we found there were numbers everywhere!!!! We enjoyed catching fish in the water tray with nets and counting how many, printing numbers with paint, rolling and cutting numbers in the playdough, using tweezers to fill the numicon shapes, writing numbers in shaving foam, counting gem stones onto numbers and putting the right number of animals into fields. We sang the songs 5 Currant Buns , 5 Little Ducks
and 5 Speckled Frogs
We read a counting story ‘Kippers Toybox’ where some of Kippers toys went missing because 2 mice had nibbled a hole in his toy box.When we noticed a little hole in our toybox we decided to count to make sure none were missing. We put the toys in a line to make them easier to count. We said the number names in order pointing to each toy with our finger and remembered to say one number name for each toy.We started counting on 1 and stopped counting when we got to the last toy

Reception celebrated ‘World Maths Day’ with a range of activities. From working on our number bonds to 10, practising number formation, building 3D shape models, counting and Maths based story books. Fun was had by all!

Year 2
Year 2 went on a scavenger hunt and had to solve mathematical problems. Our winning team was Leyla and Nina. Everyone had a fun and gained a certificate for communication skills with their partner.

Year 3
World Maths Day- We love maths in Year 3 and enjoyed playing games, practising our tables, completing a maths quiz and exploring reflective symmetry using mirrors.

Year 4
We had an assortment of practical maths activities set up around the classroom – symmetrical butterfly painting, mystic rose angle/line drawings, dominoes, playing cards, building 3d models using KNEX, cubes and Googolplex, times table games and we finished the day on the ipads on Topmarks.

Year 5
Year 5 took part in a day of fun maths activities to celebrate World Maths Day. As well as some maths magic tricks, they took part in a maths murder mystery and a game of Beetle Drive.

Year 6
Year 6 took part in an enterprise challenge, linking to Fair Trade. They had to work in teams to produce cards with a given criteria which had to be measured and cut with great accuracy to pass our quality controllers’ tough checks! Maths skills that had to be put into practice included addition and subtraction of money, measuring lengths and comparing data. Collaboration and leadership skills were also put to the test!

KS2 Base